White Gate Cattle Co. is a family beef operation located just south of Carroll, Iowa, focusing on producing high quality natural beef from farm to table. We offer an assortment of highly marbled beef cuts by the pound, as well as beef quarters and halves.
Our herd is made up of Angus and SimAngus cows. We focus on breeding cattle to work and function in the real world, while keeping an excellent consumer eating experience always in mind. Our genetic decisions are based around producing cattle that are feed-efficient, fertile, will perform on the feedlot and target the specifications of the Certified Angus Beef® program.
We also strive to produce our beef with a smaller carbon footprint through efficient herd management practices, including feeding ethanol by-products and using the resources our farm provides. Minimum tillage and no-till farming, in addition to cover crops, have worked well with our row crops on our beautiful rolling hills in Carroll and Guthrie Counties.
White Gate Cattle Co. is very much a family farm with our four children, and both sets of our parents help daily. The Brenny kids are active in 4-H and are a great help when it comes time to work cattle. In addition to beef, we raise corn, soybeans and hay and love talking through all the facets of agriculture with our customers.
Our cattle company started with three high school friends and their 4-H steers north of Sac City, Iowa, near the hunting landmark called the “White Gate.” The three ended up at Iowa State University where more would become involved in ultimately evolve into White Gate Cattle Co.
In 2000, White Gate Cattle Co. became a member of the American Angus Association, we purchased our first purebred Angus cows. We were fortunate enough to have a hands-on learning experience white attending Iowa State, competing on the meat judging and market evaluation teams and gaining valuable work experience at various research and farming operations in the Ames area.